One of One.
Documentaries preserving life lessons, tales & advice for future generations.
A legacy can last forever.
A legacy documentary captures a life story, a family history, and a life’s worth of knowledge and values; preserving them to inspire future generations.
In a fast paced world, legacy documentaries provide a rare moment to slow down and revel in the wonders of a life, capturing moments that are all too often coveted in hind sight.
Our Interviews
David • 78
Carolyn • 90
Lillian • 77
Claudine • 88
Our Process
The process begins long before we arrive on-site. In order to be best prepared, we’ll ask lots of background questions so we are able to personalize the interview and capture their legacy the best we can. Then we’ll decide the time/date/place for the conversation and provide advice on how to be prepared and what to expect.
The day of the interview, we arrive on location at least an hour early and then we set up our lights, cameras and mics to capture the best possible pictures and sounds. Each interview & photoshoot will last for a couple of hours. Once we have everything we need, we will help put everything back the way we found it.
After the interview, we backup everything we’ve captured, and begin the editing process. You’ll see the photos within the first couple of days after. It will take up to 45 days for us to craft the videos and prepare for final delivery.
Let’s get started.
(515) 218-9164